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Tips to Stop Addiction Alcohol Drinks

Before it's too late, it is better to prevent the negative things that happen to you in a way to limit or stop consuming alcohol. It is difficult to break this habit, especially for those who are classified as heavy addict. But with a strong determination and the support of people around, addiction to alcohol can be removed. Here are tips you can do to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Change your lifestyle

The first step to stop consuming alcohol is to avoid themselves from its physical form. Discard the entire bottle of liquor that still exist in your house, in order to reduce the desire to taste it.

During this process, you should avoid things that trigger you to consume alcoholic beverages. For a time, you can stay away from people who previously often accompany you while drunk. If you are invited to get drunk, refused politely and told them that now you want to stop consuming alcohol.

Do positive activities that can distract you from the desire alcoholic beverages, such as hobbies, sports, join social activities, gather with family, or to join the community antialkohol. Make sure you are with positive energy people who can support improvements in your life.

Undergo medical treatment

Perhaps the lifestyle change alone is not powerful enough for those who have been 'adored' alcohol for many years. Do not worry because your dependence can be helped through medical hands. The first thing you can do is to follow the program's detoxification or rehabilitation.

Drinking certain drugs can also suppress your desires to consume alcoholic beverages. There are also medications that can give effect unwell when you drank liquor. So when you are consuming alcohol during treatment, you will feel headache, nausea, or vomiting. For more severe cases, there are drugs that can be injected.

When you decide to stop drinking alcohol, then you should be entirely free of it, even if only a drop. No need to fear shunned by friends as a stop consuming alcohol. Remember that your health and your life is much more valuable.

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